Friday, October 31, 2008


Okay, seriously. Would you not just give your whole bowl of candy to trick-or-treaters like these? Davey Crockett, Spiderman, and little Sophie-Mouse. They started strong. Sophie baled after completing our street. She would not, however, let go of her candy bucket. The boys pushed on to the next street and came back with stories of a "haunted house" giving out FULL SIZE CANDY BARS! Sophie might have to be a mouse tomorrow, too, because that "washable marker" I used to draw on her nose/whiskers isn't very washable. Sophie downed an entire Kit-Kat before I confiscated her candy. The boys...well, let's just say they had to brush their teeth really well and both went to bed with stomach aches. Ahhhh, you gotta love free candy!


Brad Bodin said...

Just found your blog. Al forgot to send me the link til today. Awesome!

Kiki said...

Kiddos are so cute! Especially the mouse.

Mindy said...

Is she Sophie the Mouse from the book Weekend with Wendell? All three are very cute.

Sandy said...

Thanks for the posting and joining the blog world Holly - you know this grandma can never get enough of all her adorable grandchildren!
Love, Sandy