Friday, November 14, 2008

Date Night

Are you married? If you are, you should have a date night. We don't have a regular, specific date night, but last night we got to go out, just the two of us, for the whole evening. Many times when we do this, I still end up cooking supper for the kids/babysitter, but last night our wonderful friends (Dan and Lynn) not only watched the kids all evening, but cooked them supper, too! So the two of us went out to Hickory Park (BY OURSELVES!!!) and then to a movie. Going out with Eric helps me feel like a normal person. It makes me want to shout to the world, "Look, I'm carrying an actual purse, not a diaper bag!" or "Hey, did you notice there aren't any stains on my shirt?" and "Yeah, I'm a stay at home mom, but I own more than sweatpants and I know how to look stylish when I want to!" Okay, maybe that last part isn't true, but I FEEL stylish. :) And it's amazing how one date can make you feel normal enough to last you until...well...the next date! Thanks, Eric, for taking me out for the evening and reminding me that I'm a beautiful, intelligent wife and not just a frumpy, all-I-do-is-wipe-stuff-all-day mom. And for all you husbands out there-do the same for your wives!

FYI: Those of you who know me will laugh that I want to post this. I am sometimes cheap to a fault, so I have to tell you that our entire date, thanks to gift cards/coupons, cost $8 and I also picked up a free tube of mascara when we were buying dessert at Walgreens. And do I feel less valuable because Eric spent less money on me? NO! I feel more valuable because not only did we have a great night out, we spent almost nothing!


Brad Bodin said...

You two are sweet! If not a little weird! What I really want to know is what comes after the statue of liberty kiss? I'm sure there is nothing that compares with a kiss like that!
Good to see yall in the bloggin world. I miss you guys alot.
Love ya

Kiki said...

What's the deal with all these kissy pictures?!