Friday, October 17, 2008

We have a new form of entertainment at our house. No, it's not a new dvd, computer game, video game, or even a toy or board game. Our new form of entertainment is a squirrel feeder I attached to our front tree last weekend. It was given to us by our neighbor, Chip. (Do I need to mention we have the best neighbors in the world!?) The squirrels discovered the corn this morning. It kept the kids busy while I cleaned up breakfast dishes, made soup for supper, and made a few phone calls. Who knew? You should have heard them squeal when the squirrel took a piece of corn and buried it in our front yard. They bolted for their jackets and tried to find the buried corn, but no luck. So don't worry, Mr. Squirrel, your corn is still safe---for now. No guarantees. So here's to cheap, fun entertainment. (Thanks, Chip.)

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