Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Day of School

Yep, my two boys went off to all-day school this year. They were both so excited they couldn't even eat breakfast that morning. I miss them, but they seem to be doing really well. They have made friends and like their teachers. And, they even seem to be learning something!

Here's Caleb, my big kindergartner. He ate only his cheesestick and his oatmeal cream pie the first two days of school.
Danny, my second grader. His favorite thing about the first day of school was getting his new supplies in/out of his very own desk. I homeschooled him last year for first grade.

And my three (almost four!) great kids. I'm thankful for each day with them! I think Sophie is enjoying having mommy to herself. And I seem to be getting a lot more done around the house. Plus, I usually nap with Sophie! However, I do miss my boys....


Sharie said...

How exciting! It's amazing how they've changed since we saw them when you moved!

Sandy said...

What an exciting week for everyone and more changes to come....so excited for you!