Wednesday, February 17, 2010

And she's off...

Eliza started rolling over the evening of Tuesday, February 2nd. 4 months old exactly. She had been so close all day and a few minutes after I left for work, she rolled over. Of course, I missed it. From back to stomach. The kids saw it. It was really cute to watch them encouraging her. They were surrounding her saying, "Come on! Almost! Go!" Then when she wouldn't get all the way over, they would all let out a big "Awww" which would scare Eliza. Now, almost two weeks later, she rolls constantly and can go from stomach to back as well. Enjoy the video.

Oh, and I gave Eliza's hair a trim. She was losing all of the hair on the sides of her head, and it looked like she had a comb-over. I just shortened the top a little so it blended a little better. :) And no, I don't have a picture of that. I'm lucky to get the video up!

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