Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good Deals

I love good deals. Most of you know this because if I get a good deal, I tell you about it. Why should my blog be any different? Today, we went to Hy-Vee to get some groceries. By "we" I mean me and the kids. We don't usually shop at Hy-Vee because it is generally the most expensive grocery store. But when we do, the kids know all about the two perks that Hy-Vee has to offer. #1-car carts. You know, those HUGE carts with a "car" in the front so your kids can sit and steer/climb on the roof/stick their heads out the windows just as your careening around a corner, etc. #2-free cookies. That's right, any kid shopping at Hy-Vee gets a free cookie. I would like to see them expand this program to include moms. I mean, what mom with three kids at the grocery store doesn't deserve a cookie?! Anyway, my kids love Hy-Vee because of the perks. Unfortunately, the car carts were covered with snow, but we still got the cookies! So we stopped at Hy-Vee to pick up a few items that they had on a really good sale this week. And while we were meandering through the aisles to find our $1.28 butter, I found the best deal I've ever found.....drum roll please........1/2 gallon of chocolate milk at the price of 4 for $1. Yep, $0.25 each. I bought six. My kids are going to be drinking only chocolate milk for a week. And then, in the same section of the store, I spied deal #2......1/2 gallon premium orange juice......4 for $1. I bought 4. Oh, and I asked the managment and nothing was wrong with the items. They haven't expired. They are perfect. I must have mentioned my amazement at what a good deal we got a number of times to my kids, because by the time we were at the checkout counter, they were telling everyone who looked our way that we got "SUCH A GOOD DEAL!" So Hy-Vee, I don't know what kind of magic day it was in your store, but THANKS!


Sharie said...

Isn't it fun to watch God stretch your finances--I can relate to enjoying a good bargain too. These everyday events will often be the fond memories your children will remember. Hopefully the car carts will be unburied from the snow very soon. Love, Aunt Sharie

Heidi said...

Hey, don't forget the free sliice of cheese for each kid at the deli meat and cheese counter. We always used to stop there first, shop for a bit, and go back for our cookie.

You go, Girl!